Did your mind write a check that your soul couldn't cash?
& this happens quite often for me. Moving too fast on a situation or wanting something so bad that I go out of my means to get it, when I physically would suffer for the action later. My mind thought too quickly. I wrote a check so BIG that I got ahead of myself and didn’t think about the consequences of it all. But don’t we all do this? And is it a good or bad thing? A good thing possible because we are putting our money where our mouth is and having faith that everything would turn out the way it’s suppose to be.
I think back at a time when I didn’t have faith. When I was so nervous about things going right that I would shy away from doing things I really wanted to do. So in that perspective, going for what you believe in even though your situation (rather it be your finances, life, or education) is not perfect is not such a bad thing right? Believing in yourself should motivate you to go hard to achieve the goal.
But the fact that sometimes we may not be able to deliver what we promised either to ourselves or others is a learning lesson. The expectations we have for ourselves or the expectations that others thought they were going to get, didn’t fall through as it was planned. So what do you do next to meet those expectations?! TRY HARDER TO MEET THE GOAL! DO NOT GIVE UP! But the risk that you make has to be worth risking.
The downfall is the risks might involve others. You have to think about how it will affect others and affect you on terms of expenses and your mental health. Don’t be selfish or naive. It’s okay if you want to take a leap of faith on things pertaining you, but when you are putting someone’s else life at risk, there is more to think about. Think about if you go out of your means to do something or take a risk how it would hurt you our others. You have to put in the time and work on yourself beforehand to make sure everything falls through. Make sure you are doing everything you can physically and mentally and putting the work in.

And even if it’s doesn’t, at-least you and others know that you did your best to make sure everything falls in place. You deserve to give yourself credit. Pat yourself on the back and present yourself like of the greats. Failure doesn’t define you, it only prepares you for perfection.
After all we are human, so the chances we take may not go as planned. The key factor is moving forward and trying another approach. Sometimes it could be changing your timing, but using the same approach. It can also be meeting a different person with a different point of view for your project. Whatever it is never stop trying! Taking a risk on yourself is not wrong. Playing it safe does not serve us justice because we have to believe in ourselves to reach our destiny. So here’s to my bank account overflowing with overdraft fees because I believed in myself TOO MUCH!! Here’s to the airline tickets I’ve brought for a dream that I am still chasing after. Here’s to the vacation trips I took for a peace of mind, that I STILL have after pay payments I owe. Those checks I wrote were well deserved in my eyes.

So here is to my soul being at peace for the debts that never were cashed out. It was so.. worth it!