Me & Time….
Me & time… It seems like we can’t coexist! There is never enough time for me to do anything especially squeezing in things that are important to me. Which is why i’m always rushing to complete tasks. I feel like time only lasts when I’m at work and I don’t want to be there. Any other day, time races away from me leaving me with barely enough time to sleep. And even when I get a couple of hours to spare I’m usually checking on my family or friends, updating myself on news, and scrolling on social media to see what’s new if I want to be honest and real with you. Because I spend so much time rushing to do other things throughout the day procrastinating becomes so easy for me.
-Picture of the air balloon in Paris, France. -
I feel like I have missed out on so much that I begin to do things that has no purpose for me. It seems as though I’m always trying to keep up with life. So the important tasks and goals I have set for myself to grow are always are put on the back burner or last due to things that need to be done at that moment. I have to learn how to prioritize my time this year. Now is the time that I must push myself to do the things that will build my future because those things are permanent and not temporary. The effort and time that I put in rushing to complete tasks throughout the day, is the same effort that should be used to buckle down and complete the tasks that pertains to my goals. Long term goals like fixing my credit, investing in a business, and looking for a home, should be put on top of my priority list as things I need to work on. I can no longer can daydream about these plans, I have to make it happen! The quicker I began to work on these goal setting plans, the quicker these goals become my reality and I begin living them.
It is said that times waits for no one, our time should be used responsibly on bettering ourselves. So time should be considered as precious and valuable and should not be wasted. Time is not just for the immediate or work, but it’s for our future, and the things that matter the most!