What Do You Vow to Yourself?
Vows can be made for honoring who you are and for showing respect to yourself. Maybe you have been ignoring your well being for long enough. Perhaps you’ve put too much time in others and have forgotten about your health. Well, I feel like I’m preaching to myself. So I have begun making my own vows to myself.
I vow to care more about my mental health and stop getting so stressed out over things I can’t control. I vow to ignore people and not let them destroy my happiness. I promise not to cover up my happiness just because people my feel that I’m “too happy” or getting too blessed”. I vow to focus on my creativity, gifts, peace, and focus on the blessings that are right in front of me. I vow to enjoy the nature that God has put on earth for us to enjoy & meditate. I vow to be one with my inner being and be more at peace. I vow to appreciate myself more and everything that makes me who I am.
I vow to love myself more and not to focus on the negative thoughts I have about myself. I vow to accept criticism when is needed but also know the difference when people are being spiteful to hurt. I vow to be who I am unapologetically no matter how others feel about. I vow to stop thinking about what other people are thinking and just do it. I vow to keep going even if no one supports me. I vow to praise myself like I praise other people. I vow to take care of myself more than I care of others. I vow to be free and one with God and follow his plans he has for me.

What do you vow to yourself?
It is easy to make the vows but hard to keep. We all have to make sure we follow through with these vows. Easier said than done right? This is how you keep these vows, plan and practice them. By practice I mean to put it in play an actually do it. If you state that you want to focus on your inner peace, do it. Mediate at the park, beach, trail, or listen to meaningful , cheerful music while your on your break or while you eat. If you don’t have the time because you are busy, make time.
Make sure to take out 15-30 out of your time in the day to focus on yourself. Practice activities that you enjoy doing alone. Have some “me time” and practice on your creativity.
If your vow is for personal growth or for your mental health, practice more control and stop stressing out. Stop yourself before you begin to worry or stop yourself before you let someone make you upset or angry. There has to be a plan in place to practice. Once you plan something and practice it, you will create a habit of fulfilling your vows to yourself.