The Peace

This is what my peace looks like, but if I told u what I had to go through to find this peace would u you say it was worth it? 

-Above are pictures from Guatemala-

If I told you the flaws I had to accept about myself, the people I had to fall back from, and the lessons I had to learn to get here, you would ask me was it worth it? I asked my self the same question, I had to reminisce about my life before these beautiful photos in Guatemala and the traveling that Iv’e did this year. I was stressed! Stressed about my bills, if I had enough for rent, stressed about my love life, if someone cared for me enough, and stressed about my career and where it was leading me if I was working so hard. At this point I couldn’t see any peace to know if it was worth it at all. I can only imagine it. At that time imagining it was not enough anymore because there were too many issues at one time occurring in my life. But when I got to what I would call a little bit of “paradise” I started to see the peace I was looking for little by little.

Above is a picture of a small boat ride to Lake Atitlan where we stayed. It was a very bumpy boat ride but when we reached the lake, we experienced why it is considered the most beautiful lakes in the world! ❤ Just Peaceful! Oh the symbolism of it all! Just like life, though the road to peace is bumpy, when you get to the final destination, it will be ALL worth it!

So was it worth it? Part of me would say I learned some valuable lessons but the journey was too long of a struggle before I realized my true lessons in it all. I had to think about if everything I went through was truly worth it after all the stress, anxiety, and still having to fight for my peace daily! I have came to the conclusion that yes, every bit of it was worth it! I can’t imagine my life without even the little bit of peace that I have. Life never stops, and we need rest. It’s like working hard at work and wanting to see what your hard work paid for.

After all the trails, praying for God to change my situation, and to give me more peace, I want to have something to show for it. I want to know that I haven’t fought this hard for nothing. I wanted to be rewarded with joy, love, positive energy, and the things that I desire.

The questions is how far would you go to fight for just a little of your peace. I am willing to fight for it all and then more. Will I give up every now and then along the way? Of course. We are only human and our minds and bodies need rest after a long battle. The end result will be knowing that I am healthy, financial blessed, balanced in life, and one with myself and God. So not only do I want to look like I’m at peace, I want to feel the peace constantly no matter how many times I have to fight for it. The outcome of knowing that no one or any circumstance can’t take my peace away.

So yes , EVERY BIT of peace is worth the fight! This little bit of peace I have is worth it ALL.


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