Grow & Prosper…
I’m excited because it’s the Relaunching of my blog!! It took a while but I decided to launch it even though it’s not completely finished. But aren’t we all still a work in progress, Isn’t that how life is? We are all continuing to work on ourselves despite of it all. It’s a learning process. This is what I have to remind myself constantly or I would never finish it in time. I would procrastinate trying to make it perfect and it will take years to finish. I realized that I was the who held myself back. Because I had a fear of failing and I worried what people would say about it. This held me back from my goals and gifts. I even stopped myself from doing what I love because I though if I wasn’t the best that I couldn’t do it. That was definitely a lie because I saw that people supported me even when I wasn’t the greatest but they saw my potential. Potential is all you need to practice and be great. Once I learned this, I told myself that I could no longer hinder myself because I’m ready for a change.
I’m telling you this to encourage you not to hinder yourself from growing or progressing because your not perfect. Sometimes we are our biggest enemy along with fear. We think if we don’t get things right the first time then we have failed at the goal forever. Life is a lesson, and in order to be perfect you have to fail at something to know what no to do. Don’t let fear of failing or what others would say hold you back from growing or accomplishing anything.
Look at fails and criticism as you working on your craft and start from there. As long as you worked on hard on your goal, that’s all that matters. Release all judgment and take constructive criticism. And even if you don’t get positive recognition, don’t let it hold you back from proceeding. Even if you get negative feedback this is a sign that people are tuned in and watching ;) So again welcome back to my blog and I hope it gives you inspiration, uplifts you, and builds your spirit ❤️